VR Philips 2220

Reparaturtipps zum Fehler: Snow in the horizontal middle

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Philips VR 2220 --- Snow in the horizontal middle
Suche nach Philips 2220


BID = 1019020



Beiträge: 2463


Hi Perepandel,

did this forum user know, where the corrosion comes from? The corrosion must have any cause, I think...
May it be aluminium oxydation???

In the Grundig V-2000 machines, I never had such a corrosion of video head drums. And with the Philips machines I don't have much know-how.

Polishing the head drum without touching the video heads will be a really sensitive work...

Best regards,


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BID = 1019053



Beiträge: 82
Wohnort: Miramar (Platja)
Zur Homepage von Perepandel



Stego, take a look at tip #2:


If it's the 2nd one, it must be very common on these machines!

Hadn't I dismantled and throwed the one I had at home years ago, now I could verify it it had happened to it too.

I can confirm, too, that in any of the Grundig machines have I seen this corrossion! LOL

As you can see from one of my previous picture, by the "halo" around the head, it seems I've done a good job avoiding touching them :D. Although I can't assure that in nooooone of the movements it accidentally touched one a bit or that microdrops of toothpaste may been dropped over them. I hope that in that case it doesn't have any noticeable effect, though.

By the way, that page is a gem for fixing Philips machines!

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BID = 1019457



Beiträge: 7571
Wohnort: Wien

I only see cleaning instructions for the drum, nothing about polishing severely corroded ones! Oddly enough mine doesn't show any signs of corrosion except on the drum itself! I know very little about its past though, except it originally belonged to a school for kindergarten teacher education and was later given to their IT service technician. He then gave it to me. I don't have the slightest idea how it was (mis-) treated back at the school.

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

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BID = 1020351



Beiträge: 82
Wohnort: Miramar (Platja)
Zur Homepage von Perepandel

Hi, how are you doing?

I've been very busy during the last weeks, so I haven't had much time to write here. Sorry for that!

Trumbaschl, obviously you haven't browsed into the 2nd page :


5th picture is from a rusty head drum. Google translator + my own interpretation says about that:

Zitat :
You would rather not use it because of high tape wear! Polish this by hand with commandant4 car cleaner. Be very careful with the heads, mask them and clean completely after polishing.

About my machine, I have (bad) news. My pinch roller order has been a total fail. They sent me the wrong one. Not only the size of the axis cylinder is different (so it doesn't fit inside the machine), but the height is about 2 mm, losing any hope about "modding" it in order to reclyce it somehow. I complained, but lso the store's staff doesn't seem to be so nice; they want me to send them the mistaken item before they repair their mistake. I'll keep you informed about this. In the meantime, I'm gonna take a look at the other site's store, as I remember reading that they had replacements for this roller.

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BID = 1020787



Beiträge: 7571
Wohnort: Wien

Ah yes, now I found the part about rusty drums! Might be worth a try.

Sorry to hear that you got the wrong pinch roller!

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

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