Miele Geschirrspüler Spülmaschine  G646 SC

Reparaturtipps zum Fehler: Start / Ende blinkt

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Geschirrspüler Miele G646 SC --- Start / Ende blinkt
Suche nach G646 SC Geschirrspüler Miele G646 Start / Ende blinkt


BID = 782335


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 3
Wohnort: berlin


Geräteart : Geschirrspüler
Defekt : Start / Ende blinkt
Hersteller : Miele
Gerätetyp : G646 SC
Kenntnis : Minimale Kenntnisse (Ohmsches Gesetz)
Messgeräte : Multimeter


I am sorry I am writing here in English, but my German is not good (I can read your replies in German using Google translate, though)

I have the following problem with my dishwasher:
1. When I turn it on, even before setting a program and pushing "Start",it fills with water.
2. When I do start the program, it starts to pump the water, but also turns on the water heater (I opened the machine and saw the heater getting hot) but since there is no water going through the heater, the overheating relays jump and the heater stops working.
3. The machine then fills back with water and starts "working", but with no heating... After 2 hours it stops, with "Start" and "Ende" leds blinking and the machine is full with water.

I checked the failure memory as it described here in forums and it shows failure on 5 o'clock.

Could you please help me to identify the problem?


BID = 782389



Beiträge: 1575
Wohnort: Achter´n Diek, an der Nordseeküste



Hello evgenka,

welcome to the forum.

If I understand this right, water runs into the machine without the program was launched?



BID = 782450


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 3
Wohnort: berlin

Hi shotty,

yes, water starts running into machine when I press the "On" button, even if I don't choose any program (I put the dial on "stop").
It stops when the bottom of the machine is full.

BID = 782556



Beiträge: 1575
Wohnort: Achter´n Diek, an der Nordseeküste

Hello evgenka,
that looks like a faulty electronics. Usually a male's fault. This sits at the bottom of the machine where you can sit the electrical components of the device.
Check times this connector, the mounting plate to be dismantled at the dishwasher. He sits on the right side, and connects the device with the water inlet hose. Pull the plug apart and see if he is scorched.

To check the electronics, they develop and expand from their plastic housing. Usually you can already see the faulty thyristor on the board.

And before you build the device apart, disconnect the dishwasher from the mains.

I hope the Google translator translates everything correctly.



BID = 783082


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 3
Wohnort: berlin

Thanks shotty!

It really was faulty transistor on the board.
I replaced the transistor and everything works fine! I don't need to wash dishes again!

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