Hameg Hm305 Y problem

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Serverzeit: 18 10 2024  22:29:19      TV   VCR Aufnahme   TFT   CRT-Monitor   Netzteile   LED-FAQ   Osziloskop-Schirmbilder            

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Hameg Hm305 Y problem
Suche nach: hameg (621)


BID = 713320



Beiträge: 11110,1
Wohnort: Rheinbach


With some luck there is no necessity to recalibrate.
If any alignments are to be made then they must be done by strictly following the sequence and procedures written in the manual.
Especially you should not try to adjust anything if you dont have the needed equipment at hand.
Otherwise you propably will make things worse.

You can do a few checks for confidence, but remember: Don't touch the the trimmers unless you know for sure what you are doing.

1) With 0V Input adjust the trace to the center of the screen and check if the average of the collector voltages of T2000 and T2001 is +85V. A deviation of +/- 2V may be acceptable.

2) Then apply the square wave of the built in calibrator voltage directly to both channels and, using the Y-Pos controls, check if it possible to make both traces to coincide.
If this is not possible, then there are gain and/or frequency compensation errors in the preceeding stages.
If the traces coincide but the display of the square wave ist distorted, then the final amplifier needs some adjustment of the frequency compensation network.

3) Using a known voltage, e.g. from a 9V battery, check if the trace deviates the correct amount.
Errors may come from wrong gain of the amplifier(s) or from a wrong high voltage of the CRT.

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