browser detection

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browser detection


BID = 404075



Beiträge: 4955
Wohnort: beutelsbach
Zur Homepage von djtechno ICQ Status  


ich will in mein forum eine neue index.php einbauen (die alte wird umbenannt), die USER, die den internet explorer oder windoof vista nutzen, aussperren. Kann mir einer helfen, den code zum laufen zu kriegen?
die browser_detection.php habe icha usm internet

Code :


if ( ( browser_detection( 'browser' ) == 'ie' )
( browser_detection( 'number' ) >= 5 ) )
echo 'Sorry Internet Explorer- Nutzer müssen draußen bleiben. <br/>Besorgt euch einen RICHTIGEN Browser , z.b. firefox, opera,netscape, mozilla, konqueror, safari, u.s.w.<br/> Wer mit dem offenen Scheunentor "Internet Exploder" surft, ist selbst schuld. und Tschüß.<br/> ';
if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "NT 6.0")) {
echo 'Sorry Widnoof-Vista- Nutzer müssen draußen bleiben. <br/>Ich dulde dieses &Uuml;berwachungssystem und DRM-Verdongelte Schrottsystem von M$ nicht.<br/> Wer sich FREIWILLIG M$ Vista auf die Kiste knallt, ist selbst schuld. und Tschüß.<br/> ';

if ( ( browser_detection( 'browser' ) != 'ie' ) if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "NT 6,0")=="")
echo 'hier kommt der redirektcode auf index2.php';


Ehemaliger forennutzer (ausgetreten)

BID = 404077



Beiträge: 4955
Wohnort: beutelsbach
Zur Homepage von djtechno ICQ Status  




Code :


Script Name: Full Featured PHP Browser/OS detection
Author: Harald Hope, Website:
Script Source URI:
Version 4.9.10
Copyright (C) 20 November 2006

Special thanks to alanjstr for cleaning up the code, especially on function browser_version(), which he improved
greatly. Also to Tapio Markula, for his initial inspiration of creating a useable php browser detector.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

Lesser GPL license text:

Coding conventions:

this is currently set to accept 11 parameters, although you can add as many as you want:
1. safe - returns true/false, you can determine what makes the browser be safe lower down,
currently it's set for ns4 and pre version 1 mozillas not being safe, plus all older browsers
2. ie_version - tests to see what general IE it is, ie5x-6, ie4, or ieMac, returns these values.
3. moz_version - returns array of moz version, version number (includes full version, + etc), rv number (for math
comparison), rv number (for full rv, including alpha and beta versions), and release date
4. dom - returns true/false if it is a basic dom browser, ie >= 5, opera >= 5, all new mozillas, safaris, konquerors
5. os - returns which os is being used
6. os_number - returns windows versions, 95, 98, me, nt 4, nt 5 [windows 2000], nt 5.1 [windows xp],
Just added: os x detection[crude] otherwise returns false
7. browser - returns the browser name, in shorthand: ie, ie4, ie5x, op, moz, konq, saf, ns4
8. number - returns the browser version number, if available, otherwise returns '' [not available]
9. full - returns this array: $browser_name, $version_number, $ie_version, $dom_browser,
$safe_browser, $os, $os_number, $s_browser [the browser search string from the browser array], $type
10. type - returns whether it's a bot or a browser
11. math_number - returns basic version number, for math comparison, ie. 1.2rel2a becomes 1.2

// main script, uses two other functions, which_os() and browser_version() as needed
function browser_detection( $which_test ) {
uncomment the global variable declaration if you want the variables to be available on a global level
throughout your php page, make sure that php is configured to support the use of globals first!
Use of globals should be avoided however, and they are not necessary with this script

/*global $dom_browser, $safe_browser, $browser_user_agent, $os, $browser_name, $s_browser, $ie_version,
$version_number, $os_number, $b_repeat, $moz_version, $moz_version_number, $moz_rv, $moz_rv_full, $moz_release;*/

static $dom_browser, $safe_browser, $browser_user_agent, $os, $browser_name, $s_browser, $ie_version,
$version_number, $os_number, $b_repeat, $moz_version, $moz_version_number, $moz_rv, $moz_rv_full, $moz_release,
$type, $math_version_number;

this makes the test only run once no matter how many times you call it
since all the variables are filled on the first run through, it's only a matter of returning the
the right ones
if ( !$b_repeat )
//initialize all variables with default values to prevent error
$dom_browser = false;
$type = 'bot';// default to bot since you never know with bots
$safe_browser = false;
$os = '';
$os_number = '';
$a_os_data = '';
$browser_name = '';
$version_number = '';
$math_version_number = '';
$ie_version = '';
$moz_version = '';
$moz_version_number = '';
$moz_rv = '';
$moz_rv_full = '';
$moz_release = '';
$b_success = false;// boolean for if browser found in main test

//make navigator user agent string lower case to make sure all versions get caught
// isset protects against blank user agent failure
$browser_user_agent = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) ? strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) : '';

pack the browser type array, in this order
the order is important, because opera must be tested first, then omniweb [which has safari data in string],
same for konqueror, then safari, then gecko, since safari navigator user agent id's with 'gecko' in string.
note that $dom_browser is set for all modern dom browsers, this gives you a default to use.

array[0] = id string for useragent, array[1] is if dom capable, array[2] is working name for browser,
array[3] identifies navigator useragent type

Note: all browser strings are in lower case to match the strtolower output, this avoids possible detection

Note: There are currently 5 navigator user agent types:
bro - modern, css supporting browser.
bbro - basic browser, text only, table only, defective css implementation
bot - search type spider
dow - known download agent
lib - standard http libraries
// known browsers, list will be updated routinely, check back now and then
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'opera', true, 'op', 'bro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'omniweb', true, 'omni', 'bro' );// mac osx browser, now uses khtml engine:
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'msie', true, 'ie', 'bro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'konqueror', true, 'konq', 'bro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'safari', true, 'saf', 'bro' );
// covers Netscape 6-7, K-Meleon, Most linux versions, uses moz array below
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'gecko', true, 'moz', 'bro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'netpositive', false, 'netp', 'bbro' );// beos browser
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'lynx', false, 'lynx', 'bbro' ); // command line browser
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'elinks ', false, 'elinks', 'bbro' ); // new version of links
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'elinks', false, 'elinks', 'bbro' ); // alternate id for it
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'links ', false, 'links', 'bbro' ); // old name for links
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'links', false, 'links', 'bbro' ); // alternate id for it
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'w3m', false, 'w3m', 'bbro' ); // open source browser, more features than lynx/links
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'webtv', false, 'webtv', 'bbro' );// junk ms webtv
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'amaya', false, 'amaya', 'bbro' );// w3c browser
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'dillo', false, 'dillo', 'bbro' );// linux browser, basic table support
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'ibrowse', false, 'ibrowse', 'bbro' );// amiga browser
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'icab', false, 'icab', 'bro' );// mac browser
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'crazy browser', true, 'ie', 'bro' );// uses ie rendering engine
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'sonyericssonp800', false, 'sonyericssonp800', 'bbro' );// sony ericsson handheld

// search engine spider bots:
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'googlebot', false, 'google', 'bot' );// google
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'mediapartners-google', false, 'adsense', 'bot' );// google adsense
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'yahoo-verticalcrawler', false, 'yahoo', 'bot' );// old yahoo bot
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'yahoo! slurp', false, 'yahoo', 'bot' ); // new yahoo bot
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'yahoo-mm', false, 'yahoomm', 'bot' ); // gets Yahoo-MMCrawler and Yahoo-MMAudVid bots
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'inktomi', false, 'inktomi', 'bot' ); // inktomi bot
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'slurp', false, 'inktomi', 'bot' ); // inktomi bot
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'fast-webcrawler', false, 'fast', 'bot' );// Fast AllTheWeb
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'msnbot', false, 'msn', 'bot' );// msn search
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'ask jeeves', false, 'ask', 'bot' ); //jeeves/teoma
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'teoma', false, 'ask', 'bot' );//jeeves teoma
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'scooter', false, 'scooter', 'bot' );// altavista
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'openbot', false, 'openbot', 'bot' );// openbot, from taiwan
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'ia_archiver', false, 'ia_archiver', 'bot' );// ia archiver
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'zyborg', false, 'looksmart', 'bot' );// looksmart
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'almaden', false, 'ibm', 'bot' );// ibm almaden web crawler
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'baiduspider', false, 'baidu', 'bot' );// Baiduspider asian search spider
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'psbot', false, 'psbot', 'bot' );// psbot image crawler
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'gigabot', false, 'gigabot', 'bot' );// gigabot crawler
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'naverbot', false, 'naverbot', 'bot' );// naverbot crawler, bad bot, block
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'surveybot', false, 'surveybot', 'bot' );//
$a_browser_types[] = array( '', false, 'boitho', 'bot' );//norwegian search engine
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'objectssearch', false, 'objectsearch', 'bot' );// open source search engine
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'answerbus', false, 'answerbus', 'bot' );//, web questions
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'sohu-search', false, 'sohu', 'bot' );// chinese media company, search component
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'iltrovatore-setaccio', false, 'il-set', 'bot' );

// various http utility libaries
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'w3c_validator', false, 'w3c', 'lib' ); // uses libperl, make first
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'wdg_validator', false, 'wdg', 'lib' ); //
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'libwww-perl', false, 'libwww-perl', 'lib' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'jakarta commons-httpclient', false, 'jakarta', 'lib' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'python-urllib', false, 'python-urllib', 'lib' );

// download apps
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'getright', false, 'getright', 'dow' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'wget', false, 'wget', 'dow' );// open source downloader, obeys robots.txt

// netscape 4 and earlier tests, put last so spiders don't get caught
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'mozilla/4.', false, 'ns', 'bbro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'mozilla/3.', false, 'ns', 'bbro' );
$a_browser_types[] = array( 'mozilla/2.', false, 'ns', 'bbro' );

//$a_browser_types[] = array( '', false ); // browser array template

moz types array
note the order, netscape6 must come before netscape, which is how netscape 7 id's itself.
rv comes last in case it is plain old mozilla
$moz_types = array( 'firebird', 'phoenix', 'firefox', 'iceweasel', 'galeon', 'k-meleon', 'camino', 'epiphany', 'netscape6', 'netscape', 'multizilla', 'rv' );

run through the browser_types array, break if you hit a match, if no match, assume old browser
or non dom browser, assigns false value to $b_success.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_browser_types); $i++)
//unpacks browser array, assigns to variables
$s_browser = $a_browser_types[$i][0];// text string to id browser from array

if (stristr($browser_user_agent, $s_browser))
// it defaults to true, will become false below if needed
// this keeps it easier to keep track of what is safe, only
//explicit false assignment will make it false.
$safe_browser = true;

// assign values based on match of user agent string
$dom_browser = $a_browser_types[$i][1];// hardcoded dom support from array
$browser_name = $a_browser_types[$i][2];// working name for browser
$type = $a_browser_types[$i][3];// sets whether bot or browser

switch ( $browser_name )
// this is modified quite a bit, now will return proper netscape version number
// check your implementation to make sure it works
case 'ns':
$safe_browser = false;
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, 'mozilla' );
case 'moz':
note: The 'rv' test is not absolute since the rv number is very different on
different versions, for example Galean doesn't use the same rv version as Mozilla,
neither do later Netscapes, like 7.x. For more on this, read the full mozilla numbering
conventions here:

// this will return alpha and beta version numbers, if present
$moz_rv_full = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, 'rv' );
// this slices them back off for math comparisons
$moz_rv = substr( $moz_rv_full, 0, 3 );

// this is to pull out specific mozilla versions, firebird, netscape etc..
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $moz_types ); $i++ )
if ( stristr( $browser_user_agent, $moz_types[$i] ) )
$moz_version = $moz_types[$i];
$moz_version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $moz_version );
// this is necesary to protect against false id'ed moz'es and new moz'es.
// this corrects for galeon, or any other moz browser without an rv number
if ( !$moz_rv )
$moz_rv = substr( $moz_version_number, 0, 3 );
$moz_rv_full = $moz_version_number;
// you can use this instead if you are running php >= 4.2
$moz_rv = floatval( $moz_version_number );
$moz_rv_full = $moz_version_number;
// this corrects the version name in case it went to the default 'rv' for the test
if ( $moz_version == 'rv' )
$moz_version = 'mozilla';

//the moz version will be taken from the rv number, see notes above for rv problems
$version_number = $moz_rv;
// gets the actual release date, necessary if you need to do functionality tests
$moz_release = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, 'gecko/' );
Test for mozilla 0.9.x / netscape 6.x
test your javascript/CSS to see if it works in these mozilla releases, if it does, just default it to:
$safe_browser = true;
if ( ( $moz_release < 20020400 ) || ( $moz_rv < 1 ) )
$safe_browser = false;
case 'ie':
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $s_browser );
// first test for IE 5x mac, that's the most problematic IE out there
if ( stristr( $browser_user_agent, 'mac') )
$ie_version = 'ieMac';
// this assigns a general ie id to the $ie_version variable
elseif ( $version_number >= 5 )
$ie_version = 'ie5x';
elseif ( ( $version_number > 3 ) && ( $version_number < 5 ) )
$dom_browser = false;
$ie_version = 'ie4';
// this depends on what you're using the script for, make sure this fits your needs
$safe_browser = true;
$ie_version = 'old';
$dom_browser = false;
$safe_browser = false;
case 'op':
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $s_browser );
if ( $version_number < 5 )// opera 4 wasn't very useable.
$safe_browser = false;
case 'saf':
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $s_browser );
Uncomment this section if you want omniweb to return the safari value
Omniweb uses khtml/safari rendering engine, so you can treat it like
safari if you want.
case 'omni':
$s_browser = 'safari';
$browser_name = 'saf';
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, 'applewebkit' );
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $s_browser );
// the browser was id'ed
$b_success = true;

//assigns defaults if the browser was not found in the loop test
if ( !$b_success )
this will return the first part of the browser string if the above id's failed
usually the first part of the browser string has the navigator useragent name/version in it.
This will usually correctly id the browser and the browser number if it didn't get
caught by the above routine.
If you want a '' to do a if browser == '' type test, just comment out all lines below
except for the last line, and uncomment the last line. If you want undefined values,
the browser_name is '', you can always test for that
// delete this part if you want an unknown browser returned
$s_browser = substr( $browser_user_agent, 0, strcspn( $browser_user_agent , '();') );
// this extracts just the browser name from the string
ereg('[^0-9][a-z]*-*\ *[a-z]*\ *[a-z]*', $s_browser, $r );
$s_browser = $r[0];
$version_number = browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $s_browser );

// then uncomment this part
//$s_browser = '';//deletes the last array item in case the browser was not a match
// get os data, mac os x test requires browser/version information, this is a change from older scripts
$a_os_data = which_os( $browser_user_agent, $browser_name, $version_number );
$os = $a_os_data[0];// os name, abbreviated
$os_number = $a_os_data[1];// os number or version if available

// this ends the run through once if clause, set the boolean
//to true so the function won't retest everything
$b_repeat = true;

// pulls out primary version number from more complex string, like 7.5a,
// use this for numeric version comparison
$m = array();
if ( ereg('[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*', $version_number, $m ) )
$math_version_number = $m[0];

//$version_number = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
This is where you return values based on what parameter you used to call the function
$which_test is the passed parameter in the initial browser_detection('os') for example call
switch ( $which_test )
case 'safe':// returns true/false if your tests determine it's a safe browser
// you can change the tests to determine what is a safeBrowser for your scripts
// in this case sub rv 1 Mozillas and Netscape 4x's trigger the unsafe condition
return $safe_browser;
case 'ie_version': // returns ieMac or ie5x
return $ie_version;
case 'moz_version':// returns array of all relevant moz information
$moz_array = array( $moz_version, $moz_version_number, $moz_rv, $moz_rv_full, $moz_release );
return $moz_array;
case 'dom':// returns true/fale if a DOM capable browser
return $dom_browser;
case 'os':// returns os name
return $os;
case 'os_number':// returns os number if windows
return $os_number;
case 'browser':// returns browser name
return $browser_name;
case 'number':// returns browser number
return $version_number;
case 'full':// returns all relevant browser information in an array
$full_array = array( $browser_name, $version_number, $ie_version, $dom_browser, $safe_browser,
$os, $os_number, $s_browser, $type, $math_version_number );
return $full_array;
case 'type':// returns what type, bot, browser, maybe downloader in future
return $type;
case 'math_number':// returns numerical version number, for number comparisons
return $math_version_number;

// gets which os from the browser string
function which_os ( $browser_string, $browser_name, $version_number )
// initialize variables
$os = '';
$os_version = '';
packs the os array
use this order since some navigator user agents will put 'macintosh' in the navigator user agent string
which would make the nt test register true
$a_mac = array( 'mac68k', 'macppc' );// this is not used currently
// same logic, check in order to catch the os's in order, last is always default item
$a_unix = array( 'unixware', 'solaris', 'sunos', 'sun4', 'sun5', 'suni86', 'sun',
'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'bsd' , 'irix5', 'irix6', 'irix', 'hpux9', 'hpux10', 'hpux11', 'hpux', 'hp-ux',
'aix1', 'aix2', 'aix3', 'aix4', 'aix5', 'aix', 'sco', 'unixware', 'mpras', 'reliant',
'dec', 'sinix', 'unix' );
// only sometimes will you get a linux distro to id itself...
$a_linux = array( 'kanotix', 'ubuntu', 'mepis', 'debian', 'suse', 'redhat', 'slackware', 'mandrake', 'gentoo', 'linux' );
$a_linux_process = array ( 'i386', 'i586', 'i686' );// not use currently
// note, order of os very important in os array, you will get failed ids if changed
$a_os = array( 'beos', 'os2', 'amiga', 'webtv', 'mac', 'nt', 'win', $a_unix, $a_linux );

//os tester
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $a_os ); $i++ )
//unpacks os array, assigns to variable
$s_os = $a_os[$i];

//assign os to global os variable, os flag true on success
//!stristr($browser_string, "linux" ) corrects a linux detection bug
if ( !is_array( $s_os ) && stristr( $browser_string, $s_os ) && !stristr( $browser_string, "linux" ) )
$os = $s_os;

switch ( $os )
case 'win':
if ( strstr( $browser_string, '95' ) )
$os_version = '95';
elseif ( ( strstr( $browser_string, '9x 4.9' ) ) || ( strstr( $browser_string, 'me' ) ) )
$os_version = 'me';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, '98' ) )
$os_version = '98';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, '2000' ) )// windows 2000, for opera ID
$os_version = 5.0;
$os = 'nt';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'xp' ) )// windows 2000, for opera ID
$os_version = 5.1;
$os = 'nt';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, '2003' ) )// windows server 2003, for opera ID
$os_version = 5.2;
$os = 'nt';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'ce' ) )// windows CE
$os_version = 'ce';
case 'nt':
if ( strstr( $browser_string, 'nt 5.2' ) )// windows server 2003
$os_version = 5.2;
$os = 'nt';
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'nt 5.1' ) || strstr( $browser_string, 'xp' ) )// windows xp
$os_version = 5.1;//
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'nt 5' ) || strstr( $browser_string, '2000' ) )// windows 2000
$os_version = 5.0;
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'nt 4' ) )// nt 4
$os_version = 4;
elseif ( strstr( $browser_string, 'nt 3' ) )// nt 4
$os_version = 3;
case 'mac':
if ( strstr( $browser_string, 'os x' ) )
$os_version = 10;
//this is a crude test for os x, since safari, camino, ie 5.2, & moz >= rv 1.3
//are only made for os x
elseif ( ( $browser_name == 'saf' ) || ( $browser_name == 'cam' ) ||
( ( $browser_name == 'moz' ) && ( $version_number >= 1.3 ) ) ||
( ( $browser_name == 'ie' ) && ( $version_number >= 5.2 ) ) )
$os_version = 10;
// check that it's an array, check it's the second to last item
//in the main os array, the unix one that is
elseif ( is_array( $s_os ) && ( $i == ( count( $a_os ) - 2 ) ) )
for ($j = 0; $j < count($s_os); $j++)
if ( stristr( $browser_string, $s_os[$j] ) )
$os = 'unix'; //if the os is in the unix array, it's unix, obviously...
$os_version = ( $s_os[$j] != 'unix' ) ? $s_os[$j] : '';// assign sub unix version from the unix array
// check that it's an array, check it's the last item
//in the main os array, the linux one that is
elseif ( is_array( $s_os ) && ( $i == ( count( $a_os ) - 1 ) ) )
for ($j = 0; $j < count($s_os); $j++)
if ( stristr( $browser_string, $s_os[$j] ) )
$os = 'lin';
// assign linux distro from the linux array, there's a default
//search for 'lin', if it's that, set version to ''
$os_version = ( $s_os[$j] != 'linux' ) ? $s_os[$j] : '';

// pack the os data array for return to main function
$os_data = array( $os, $os_version );
return $os_data;

// function returns browser number, gecko rv number, or gecko release date
//function browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $search_string, $substring_length )
function browser_version( $browser_user_agent, $search_string )
// 12 is the longest that will be required, handles release dates: 20020323; 0.8.0+
$substring_length = 12;
//initialize browser number, will return '' if not found
$browser_number = '';

// use the passed parameter for $search_string
// start the substring slice right after these moz search strings
// there are some cases of double msie id's, first in string and then with then number
$start_pos = 0;
/* this test covers you for multiple occurrences of string, only with ie though
with for example google bot you want the first occurance returned, since that's where the
numbering happens */

for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
//start the search after the first string occurrence
if ( strpos( $browser_user_agent, $search_string, $start_pos ) !== false )
//update start position if position found
$start_pos = strpos( $browser_user_agent, $search_string, $start_pos ) + strlen( $search_string );
if ( $search_string != 'msie' )

// this is just to get the release date, not other moz information
// also corrects for the omniweb 'v'
if ( $search_string != 'gecko/' )
if ( $search_string == 'omniweb' )
$start_pos += 2;// handles the v in 'omniweb/v532.xx

// Initial trimming
$browser_number = substr( $browser_user_agent, $start_pos, $substring_length );

// Find the space, ;, or parentheses that ends the number
$browser_number = substr( $browser_number, 0, strcspn($browser_number, ' );') );

//make sure the returned value is actually the id number and not a string
// otherwise return ''
if ( !is_numeric( substr( $browser_number, 0, 1 ) ) )
$browser_number = '';
//$browser_number = strrpos( $browser_user_agent, $search_string );
return $browser_number;

Here are some typical navigator.userAgent strings so you can see where the data comes from
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1

Ehemaliger forennutzer (ausgetreten)

BID = 404078



Beiträge: 2604
Wohnort: Bensheim

Klappt das?

IE User kannst du sperren, indem du so den Browser bekommst:

In VARIABLE musst du nur nach dem Teilstring "ie" suchen.

Was ist Windoof?
Kenne das nicht.

VDE beachten!
Mit Verstand löten und schrauben!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: ProximaX am  4 Feb 2007  0:25 ]

BID = 404079


Aus Forum ausgetreten

und wozu soll das gut Sein?

@ djtechno

Ich sagte dir schon Zum Thema im MD Forum:

Mit diese blödsinne wirs du UNTER GARANTIE die Besuchern auf Deiner Seite auf den Fingern Zählen

Was hast du davon wen du die besuchern auf deiner Seite mit so ein bulschitt Schikanierst? Was Bringt dir das? Denkste das du damit MS Schikanierst oder Boykotierst?
Der Besucher Klickt Weg, Sagt "scheissdrauf", sucht sich eine Andere Seite und in 2 Sekunden hat er Vergessen das Deine Seite Existiert.
Was du Machst isr Reine zeitverschwendung.

Denke daran, Deine Seite ist eine unter MILLIARDEN und Genau so BEDEUTUNGSLOS wie ein Staubkorn was Versucht sich gegen ein furtz zu Stellen..

BID = 404081



Beiträge: 2604
Wohnort: Bensheim

Zitat :
Mit diese blödsinne wirs du UNTER GARANTIE die Besuchern auf Deiner Seite auf den Fingern Zählen

Und wenn er genau das will?

VDE beachten!
Mit Verstand löten und schrauben!

BID = 404082

Licht aus!


Beiträge: 420
Wohnort: Unterfranken
Zur Homepage von Licht aus! ICQ Status  

Aber er is konsequent :- )

All hail to the carry bit!

BID = 404084



Beiträge: 4955
Wohnort: beutelsbach
Zur Homepage von djtechno ICQ Status  

nur nach "IE" suchen tut IMHO nicht, da auch andre browser aus kompatibilitätsgründen sich u.a. als "IE" melden. man muß schon MEHRERE merkmale analysieren...

genau das tut die browser_detction.php

die suche nach "NT 6" dagegen reicht, da "NT 6" ausschließlich im string von vista drin vorkommt


Ehemaliger forennutzer (ausgetreten)

BID = 404086


Aus Forum ausgetreten

Zitat :
ProximaX hat am  4 Feb 2007 00:28 geschrieben :

Und wenn er genau das will?
Dan Verigele Ich die Kacke mit htaccess und komme nur Ich Herein ohne mir mit Derartigen Bulschitt den kopf zu zerbrechen

BID = 404088



Beiträge: 2604
Wohnort: Bensheim

Hab ich mal fix bei mir eingebaut:

Versucht mal die Seite mit dem FF und mit dem IE zu öffnen.
Das bleibt nun drin.

VDE beachten!
Mit Verstand löten und schrauben!

BID = 404089


Aus Forum ausgetreten

Zitat :
djtechno hat am  4 Feb 2007 00:37 geschrieben :

die suche nach "NT 6" dagegen reicht, da "NT 6" ausschließlich im string von vista drin vorkommt
weist du wie Fiele browserabklatschen Darauf Basieren was du nichtr herein Bekommst?

Auf was Wetten das ich dich an dein Kodeschnipsel 3 Monate Basteln lasse und ich mit ein Lecherlichen auf IE Basierten browser in dein forum Hereinkomme und fleisig Schreibe?

BID = 404091



Beiträge: 4955
Wohnort: beutelsbach
Zur Homepage von djtechno ICQ Status  

@proximax: cool, funzt

@einarn: ja, das ist mirauch klar, daß man SOWOHl am IE so rumkonfiguraieren kan,daß man trotzdem reinkommt, ja sogar ohe basteln durch direktes aufrufend er url HINTER dem initialskript das kann. Und mir ist auch klar, daß umgekehrt ein user seinem opera oder firefox einen n "IE"-string verpaßen kann,und sich damit dann aauch raussperrt.

mir gehts hier auch net drum mit gewalt in fort knox qualität die user auszusperren, ich will die daus mit ie und vista doch bloß ein bißle ärgern (und DAS funzt aj jetzt schon, im md forum ärgern nsich schon 2 vista nutzer drüber, OBWOHLde rmod noch gar nciht eingebaut ist )

Ehemaliger forennutzer (ausgetreten)

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: djtechno am  4 Feb 2007  0:58 ]

BID = 404093



Beiträge: 2604
Wohnort: Bensheim

Deine Idee war gut Marcus!

Ich lass das nun drin und suche und setze noch ein paar Links rein, warum man den IE meiden sollte.

VDE beachten!
Mit Verstand löten und schrauben!

BID = 404095



Beiträge: 2604
Wohnort: Bensheim

Und die Funktion:

Code :

function ie()

$browser = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
if(preg_match("/ie/i",$browser)) header("Location:");

VDE beachten!
Mit Verstand löten und schrauben!

BID = 404096


Aus Forum ausgetreten

Etwas stimmt nicht.
WARUM Kann ich in mein IE Basierten SR Browser dein Queltext einsehen?

Code :


<meta name=author content=Sebastian Sartorius>
<meta name=description content=Stormchasing, Sturmjagd im Kreis Bergstrasse>
<meta name=keywords content=Stormchasing, Sturmjagd, Gewitter, Bergstrasse, Bensheim, Sartorius, Sturm, Blitz, Tornado, Downburst>
<link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css>
<title>Sturmjagd im Kreis Bergstrasse</title>
<body bgcolor=#635F5F>
<a href=Administration>
<font color=#635F5F size=-2>
CMS</font></a><center><table style=background-image:url(images/Hintergrund.jpg);border-collapse:collapse;background-repeat:no-repeat; bgcolor=#A6A3A6 width=100% bordercolor=#FFFFFF border=1 cellpadding=10><tr><td width=200 style=height:150px></td><td width=* valign=top><center><font size=+2 color=white><b></b></font></center></td><td width=150 bgcolor=#FFFFFF><center><img src=images/Blitz.gif></center></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><center><br><table id=menue><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>Startseite</a></td></tr><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>Chasingberichte</a></td></tr><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>Wissenswertes</a></td></tr><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>Newsletter</a></td></tr><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>G&auml;stebuch</a></td></tr><tr><td id=menuetd><a href=>Links</a></td></tr><tr></table><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></center></td><td valign=top bgcolor=#635F5F><table border=0 bgcolor=#A6A3A6 width=100%><tr><td><div align=right><font size=-2><a href=Kontakt.php><b>Kontakt</b></a> • <a href=Impressum.php><b>Impressum</b></a></font></div></td></tr></table><br><div id=content><font color="orange"><b>Willkommen</b></font> auf

Auf dieser Seite m&ouml;chte ich Ihnen Chasings und Wissenswertes aus dem Raum S&uuml;dhessen / Kreis Bergstrasse pr&auml;sentieren.
Sie erhalten hier Informationen über Gewitter, Unwetter und extreme Begleiterscheinungen von Gewittern!
Extreme Wettereignisse eines Gewitter sind z.B. Tornados. Von den meisten Menschen nur bel&auml;chelt ("die gibts nur in den USA"), treten doch im Durchschnitt auf die letzten 5 Jahre gerechnet, 34,5 Tornados pro Jahr in Deutschland auf.
Mehr zu Gewittern und Tornados erfahren Sie auf dieser Seite. Benutzen Sie einfach das Men&uuml; links, um zu navigieren.
Ich w&uuml;nsche Ihnen viel Spass auf meiner Seite!

Falls Sie Fragen an mich haben oder die Website teilweise nicht funktionieren sollte, so k&ouml;nnen Sie gerne mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen: <a href="Kontakt.php"><b>zum Kontaktformular</b></a></div></td><td valign=top bgcolor=#A6A3A6 width=150 style=background-image:url(images/news.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;><font color=#000000 size=-2><b>Neuigkeiten:</b></font><hr><table border=0><tr>
<td valign=top><font color=#000000 size=-2>


<td><font color=#000000 size=-2>
09.11.06: Nun haben die Spambots auch mein Kontaktformular gefunden.
Das Problem wird heute noch gefixt. Jegliche Mails, die von meiner Addresse versandt wurden, sind nicht von mir. (Problem ist nun behoben)

<td valign=top><font color=#000000 size=-2>


<td><font color=#000000 size=-2>
Im Winter wird es ruhig werden, daher wird bei einer erfolgreichen Gewitterjagd eine Nachricht an alle Newsletter-Abonnenten verschickt.
</table></td></tr><tr><td><center><textarea cols=21 rows=8 style=background-color:#A6A3A6; readonly>Statistik:
Seitenaufrufe: 3561
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Int. Explorer: 31%
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Andere: 22%

Die letzten 5 Referrer:

</textarea></center></td><td><marquee scrollamount=2 scrolldelay=5><img src=Laufbilder/1.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/10.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/11.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/2.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/3.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/4.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/5.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/6.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/7.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/8.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> <img src=Laufbilder/9.jpg border=3 style=border-color:#FFFFFF;> </marquee></td><td><center><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0 bgcolor=#635F5F width=122><tr><td align=center style=background-color : #635F5F;><a href= style=text-decoration: none; target=_blank><font face=Verdana size=1 color=#FFFFFF style=text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;>Wetter Bensheim</font></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><iframe width=120 height=98 scrolling=no frameborder=0 src=> </iframe></td></tr><tr><td align=center height=15 style=background-color : #CCCCCC;><a href= style=text-decoration: none; target=_blank><font face=Verdana size=1 color=#FFFFFF>&copy;</font></a></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table><font size=-2 color=#FFFFFF><b>Datum:</b> 04.02.2007 <b>Uhrzeit:</b> 01:08<br>---<br><a href= target=_blank>Ersatzteile Versand</a></font><br><br></center></body></html>

BID = 404098



Beiträge: 4955
Wohnort: beutelsbach
Zur Homepage von djtechno ICQ Status  

So, habs implementiert. aber wie kriege ich die php-warnungen weg?

Ehemaliger forennutzer (ausgetreten)

edit: cool, funzt, war nur ein kleiner swyntaxfehler

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: djtechno am  4 Feb 2007  1:28 ]

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