HIFI Grundig (turntable+cassette+radio) player

Reparaturtipps zum Fehler: Dismantled mechanical switc

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Grundig HIFI (turntable+cassette+radio) player --- Dismantled mechanical switc
Suche nach Grundig HIFI player


BID = 1078116



Beiträge: 82
Wohnort: Miramar (Platja)
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Geräteart : Geräteart auswählen
Defekt : Dismantled mechanical switc
Hersteller : Grundig
Gerätetyp : HIFI (turntable+cassette+radio) player
Chassis : Studio 3010
Messgeräte : Multimeter, Oszilloskop


After a couple of years since I adquired it, finally I decided to dismantle an old Grundig 3010a which suffers from several issues.

Trying to remove the front panel in order to access 4 differents pots in deep need of a clean, as the scratch too much when actioned, I had to face the problem of not understanding how to deal with a row of 8 mechanical buttons, whose function is to switch between stereo/mono, select radio band, mute, and so on. In the picture below you can see that there is an "arm" that connects the external physical button to a "boxed" end that makes the contact with the proper combination of "pins" for each arm.

For whatever reason I came to the conclussion that the inly way to remove the buttons from the front panel, which was the cause that prevented me to detach it, would be to remove that plastic encasing of the top end of each "arm", which was preventing me to pull out the arms.

I realized that was a bad idea when two little brass pieces came off of their constrained position when I removed the plastic cover. They are the metal pieces that make the contact with different pins depending on the position of the button (pushed/released) and were kept in there by "pressure").

I need to put the brass pieces back to its normal position, then put on the plastic enclosure again.

I have the service manual and there is a section about that, but I'm not able to decode the meaning of the legend:

<font color="#FF0000"><br><br>Hochgeladene Datei (1668999) ist grösser als 300 KB . Deswegen nicht hochgeladen<br></font>

It canoot be infered by looking into the other buttons' mechanism as the plastic cover is too opaque and I don't want to risk removing another one to see its content as I'm afraid of doing further damage.

I'd be very thankful if anyone could help me getting the "mono" button back to its original function again.

Thanks a lot in advance!!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: Perepandel am  8 Feb 2021  3:33 ]

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