Grundig Videorecorder VCR Videorekorder HIFI  Video 2 x 4

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Videorecorder Grundig Video 2 x 4 --- Cassette mechanism alignment
Suche nach Videorecorder Grundig


BID = 940122


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13


So I did a bit of voltage checking on the PSU. Do they look ok or within specification? What can I deduce from this and where do I go next? I feel that I'm really close to getting this working properly, but only with the help of you guys.

Pin Standby Play Mode
1 12.4
2 12.4
3 earth
4 earth
5 0 3.3
6 0.3 4.8
7 4.5
8 9.4
9 17.8 0
10 9.5 15
11 9.4
12 0.2 12.2
13 0 12.2
14 0
15 3.4 11.7
16 4.8
17 0.2 12
18 0 20.7
19 0 20.7
20 33.4
21 -157
22 166
23 -6.7

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BID = 940123


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13



OK this is where I got to.
Pin Standby Play Mode
1 12.4
2 12.4
3 earth
4 earth
5 0 3.3
6 0.3 4.8
7 4.5
8 9.4
9 17.8 0
10 9.5 15
11 9.4
12 0.2 12.2
13 0 12.2
14 0
15 3.4 11.7
16 4.8
17 0.2 12
18 0 20.7
19 0 20.7
20 33.4
21 -157
22 166
23 -6.7
What do I check next? Are these readings ok?

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940131



Beiträge: 2463

Yes, sure, I have forgotten the link, here it is:



Now you can check all the voltages.

Another checks:

Is the capstan rubber belt ok?
Is the capstan platen mounted in center position?
Check the voltage at the DTF (Dynamic-track-following) contacts on top of the head drum (two sliders) with an oscilloscope: The voltage should be nearly constant, no breakouts up or down in play mode. In "pause"-mode or in "fast picture search" the DTF-voltage must rise up and fall down very fast, because the video heads get controlled with piezo elements, on wich the heads are mounted, so the picture frame or the picture search should be without any stripes on the screen.

Best regards,


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BID = 940140


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

I think that all the voltages are in spec.
Pin Specification Standby Play Mode
1 12d 12.4
2 12d 12.4
3 earth
4 earth
5 0 0 3.3
6 5f 0.3 4.8
7 5e 4.5
8 9e 9.4
9 0w 17.8 0
10 15w 9.5 15
11 9d 9.4
12 12f 0.2 12.2
13 12w 0 12.2
14 12a 0
15 12w 3.4 11.7
16 4.5 4.8
17 12w 0.2 12
18 20a 0 20.7
19 20f 0 20.7
20 33d 33.4
21 -150d -157
22 150d 166
23 -7d -6.7

What happened to the beautiful formatting of my table above?!

is the capstan rubber belt ok?
Yes it is new
Is the capstan platen mounted in center position?

??? Not sure which bit this is Th???

Check the voltage at the DTF (Dynamic-track-following) contacts on top of the head drum (two sliders) with an oscilloscope
I will need to contact my friend with the scope and will report back in the next few days.

Thanks again for all the help!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: trybefore am  5 Okt 2014 16:29 ]

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BID = 940185



Beiträge: 7573
Wohnort: Wien

In order to replace the capstan belt you need to remove a metal plate with a hole in the centre, through which a shaft is visible. This plate needs to be centred around the shaft using a tube with (don't quote me on this, it's from memory) 4 mm interior and 6 mm exterior diametre. The other side of this plate has a special pattern of meandering lines that is used to generate a reference signal. If the plate is off centre there will be severe tracking problems.

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940363


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

What frequency and amplitude should I set on the oscilloscope?

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BID = 940505



Beiträge: 2463

Hi, and sorry for my late response.
I will take a look into the service manual today or tomorrow. I don't know the parameters for the oscilloscope for checking the DTF voltage.

Thanks for your patience!

Best regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940548



Beiträge: 2463

Hello again!

I have the whole service manual as PDF-file on my computer, unfortunately only in german language. Tell me, if you want it, then I will upload it somewhere, and I tell you the download link.
Sending with e-mail is perhaps not possible, because < 100 MB.

Best regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940582



Beiträge: 8792
Wohnort: Berlin-Spandau
Zur Homepage von Tom-Driver

Offtopic :
@stego: Is the whole pdf file < 100 MB or > 100 MB ? No possibility to shrink it (as zip or other)?

[x] <= Hier Nagel einschlagen für neuen Monitor!

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940587



Beiträge: 2463

Offtopic :
@Tom: Die PDF-Datei hat ca. 108 MB. ZIP-komprimieren bringt nix, hätt ich schon probiert. Als PDF = 108,4 MB, als ZIP = 108,4 MB.
In english: This PDF file has a total size of approx. 108 MB. Compressing to zip is for nothing, because PDF = 108,4 MB and ZIP = also 108,4 MB.

Gruß / regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 941527


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

Sorry for the long delay. I damaged my right knee.
Now I have been able to download the 100+MB manual and have a "vintage" but very nice Normende SO3312 Oszilloskop on loan with the Bedienungsmanual.

Basically ready for the next stage. What probes do I connect to where and what settings do I need on the 'scope?

It would be a shame to mess up both pieces of equipment through a bad connection.

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 941706



Beiträge: 2463

Well, sorry too for my delay, I didn't read your posting.

Tomorrow I will upload the complete service manual for the V-2000 on a webserver and I tell you the address for downloading then.

Please wait until tomorrow, thanks!

Best regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 941832



Beiträge: 2463


now I have uploaded the file on a webserver:

Servicemanual Grundig 2x4

Please download it from this address, I will delete it after your download.

Best regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 942197


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

Thanks Stego - got it. If you can tell me which page, paragraph etc and where to connect the scope, that would be really great.

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 942218



Beiträge: 2463


take a look into the servicemanual. In the "mechanical part" (Mechanischer Teil) the procedure is shown, because after mechanical adjust the DTF-voltage must be checked.
The Oscilloscope is connected on the two sliders on top of the head drum.

Best regards,


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