Grundig Videorecorder VCR Videorekorder HIFI  Video 2 x 4

Reparaturtipps zum Fehler: Cassette mechanism alignment

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Videorecorder Grundig Video 2 x 4 --- Cassette mechanism alignment
Suche nach Videorecorder Grundig


BID = 939160


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13


Geräteart : Videorecorder
Defekt : Cassette mechanism alignment
Hersteller : Grundig
Gerätetyp : Video 2 x 4
Chassis : 2000a
Messgeräte : Multimeter, Gerätetester (VDE 0701/0702), Oszilloskop

Hi the drive belt for the cassette drawer (Cassettenschachtes) is broken and I have bought a new belt and replaced the broken belt. When the drawer is operated the mechanism jams which means I have not aligned the cassette drawer correctly. Can someone please suggest how I can align the mechanism correctly. It should be simple but perhaps I am stupid. If necessary I have access to an electronic workshop.

Background note:
As part of my family history research I am copying all of my Austrian wife's family's historic films (>2 hours), photos, negatives, slides (>25,000), documents (>2000) and Video 2000 cassettes (10) to digital media.

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BID = 939163



Beiträge: 8792
Wohnort: Berlin-Spandau
Zur Homepage von Tom-Driver



Offtopic :
Hello "trybefore"!
Welcome to this nice little forum in Germany! How did you find us? (- Google was your friend, i suspect...)
Would you please tell us in which corner of this little nice planet you are living?
There are very remarkable stories of people worldwide having family roots in Germany or Austria exploring their history over further generations...

I believe that "stego" is our best specialist for you, and i mean to remember that he already gave Grundig-V2000 repair help to some people in english language...

Da erinnere ich mich doch richtig, oder, Stego?

You'll see, you've found the right place for your needs...

Nice regards,

[x] <= Hier Nagel einschlagen für neuen Monitor!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: Tom-Driver am 25 Sep 2014  9:10 ]

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BID = 939164



Beiträge: 4139

Offtopic :
Was passiert eigentlich, wenn man in einem US oder Britischen Forum eine Anfrage auf Deutsch stellt? Auch noch ohne zu erwähnen, warum man das tut?

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939165



Beiträge: 8792
Wohnort: Berlin-Spandau
Zur Homepage von Tom-Driver

Offtopic :
Wenn man Glück hat, antwortet jemand, der etwas Deutsch schreiben kann - umgekehrt wie in diesem Fall -

[x] <= Hier Nagel einschlagen für neuen Monitor!

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939168



Beiträge: 2463

Hello and welcome to this forum!

For changing the belt (the small, but thick belt on the side of the cassette drive) you don't have to dismount anything. Only the belt must be replaced. And after this, there is no need to align anything.

You can check the following:
On the bottom side of the tape drive you see a white shaft with a gear. On the back side of the shaft there is a switch. Sometimes, this switch won't give good contact, so please clean this switch. Also check, if this switch is opening and closing the contact sure.

By the way: It is no fault to check ALL of the switches inside the tape drive! After 30 years, the contacts of the switches may be oxidized or soiled.

Good Luck! And take good care of the Grundig V-2000!!!

Best regards,

Offtopic :
@Tom-Driver: JAA, schon mehrmals hab ich mich auf Englisch durchgekämpft. Auch schon mit Erfolg, leider einige male mit offenem Ende... soll heißen, der Threadstarter hat mittendrin aufgegeben oder sich einfach nicht mehr gemeldet. Das führt natürlich dazu, daß man nicht oder nur noch widerwillig schreibt. Man hat ja auch noch was anderes zu tun und die Zeit nicht unbedingt gestohlen.


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939169


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

Offtopic :
Hallo Tom-Driver. Thank you for your welcome. Yes Google found the website for me. There were no results for Grundig 2000 technical issues in the English language. I am currently in Paderborn, Germany but can be found in Norwich, England and Vienna as well. My father-in-law worked for Grundig in Fuerth and Oporto for 30+ years so we have a few other ancient Grundig products including TS1000, 2 x Satellit 2000, separates Stereo etc. Before Grundig, after WW2 he worked for Eumig in Austria designing radios. Personally I worked in UK, USA, Spain, Italy, Germany for a global company.

Hallo Rafikus, da mein Deutschesprachkenntniss nicht fantastisch ist, ich dachter ich koennte mich viel genauer in Englisch erklaeren mit die bessere moeglikeit von eine hilfricht Antwort auf Deutsch. Und ich habe ein Paar Englisch Posts gelesen. Aber ich verstehe was Sie/Du? (keine Ahnung was ist der richtige Nettiquette hier) meinen und in Zukunft werde ich diese im Auge behalten, sorry!

Stego thank you for the kind help. I will try this later today. Fingers crossed (Daumen drucken).

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939180



Beiträge: 7573
Wohnort: Wien

There IS a resident V2000 expert in the UK, Colin McCormick. So if you ever need help there, give him a shout! He's also active in the otherwise rather dead V2000VCR Yahoo group.

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

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BID = 939892


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

Ja es hat funktioniert! Danke!
ABER es gibt kein Ton. Was kann ich jetzt tun/prufen?
Es gibt auch ein Akku Pack die nur eine Verbindung zum Platine hinder der Mechanismus hat. Ist es wichtig?

Und ich habe gerade erfahren das der Bild ist nur Schwarz/Weiss und ab und zu Farbe!

Noch mal danke fuer Hilfe.

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: trybefore am  2 Okt 2014 13:23 ]

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939895



Beiträge: 2463

I will try to answer in english:

If there is no sound, this may be a result of a poor picture (drop-out), because the audio module is muting the sound, if a picture error appears.

I guess, the video heads are contaminated or defect. Have you already cleaned all of the heads and all of the tape guides in the tape drive?
If yes: Is the tape transport ok? The tape must be guided smooth on all heads and guides (Erase head: the upper white guide, head drum: the lower guide bar, audio head: the upper white guide).

Are all blue seals on the allign screws still unbroken? Or has anybody already disalligned the tape path?

It may also be a result of bad cassette tapes. Some tapes, like AGFA, some PHILIPS and PDM have a bad magnetic tape, that, after more than 25 years, have lost some of the magnetic signal. And so, the V-2000 can not read the signal error-free.
Perhaps you have some other tapes for testing.

The accu is only neccessary for the clock and the tuner presets. If you dismount the accu (it will be the best, if the accu is already broken and leak, because the module may get destructed by the acid of the battery), you must set the clock each time you switch the machine on. And also all of the presets are deleted after power is off.
This accu is still avilable, manufacturer is VARTA, type is 1/100DKO with 1,2 Volts and 100 mAh capacity, NiMH type.

Best regards,

Ah, yes, something else: How have you plugged the V-2000 to the tv-set? With a coaxial HF-cable or a DIN-to-Scart-cable?
It may be, that some of the adapter cables (6-pin-DIN to Scart) are only for one signal direction, some have a switch for changing the direction.
And if connected with coax-HF-cable: Have both, the V-2000 and the tv-set, the same tv-system (PAL B/G, UK, and so on)?
Different tv systems have also different video-to-audio offset, in Germany PAL has 5,5 MHz between video and audio.


[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: stego am  2 Okt 2014 14:07 ]

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939899


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

Thanks for your comments Stego that is really appreciated.
The head(s) seem to be clean, but I cleaned them anyway. I am using the DIN to SCART connector. I am using the AV output to a video digitizer and TV.

When the player starts I get about one second of colour and sound and then it goes to black/white and no sound which sounds like tracking on a VHS recorder.

All blue screws are still sealed which is good? Is there an electronic tracking adjustment? Thanks again.

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: trybefore am  2 Okt 2014 15:21 ]

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 939981



Beiträge: 7573
Wohnort: Wien

Does the picture look OK in still (pause) mode? That would point towards tape transport issues (something I'm struggling with right now).

Have you tried running the machine with all covers off so you can watch the tape move? In my case I was able to spot inconsistent tape tension.

How did you clean the heads? I was taught to use folded paper kitchen towels soaked with IPA. Simply hold the paper against the head drum applying light pressure and rotate the drum with the other hand.

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940042



Beiträge: 2463

Hello again,
i wasn't online today, because I wanted to repair an old radio from 1953, now running nearly like in 1953 - but with other music than 61 years ago... I have thought, that now Konrad Adenauer will speak out from this EMUD Favorit GW....

Yes, V-2000 has another tracking system than VHS, Beta and so on. V-2000 has a permanent, dynamic tracking system. With the recording, different track-sensing-signals get recorded on the tape, in play-mode, these signals get read and analyzed in a microprocessor (DTF-Servo-Module). The tracking permanently gets controlled, so that even in fast picture search forward and reverse, there are no stripes in the picture!

The best is, to check all of the voltages from the power supply. Many faults in V-2000 result in dry caps in the power supply, so that one or more voltages are too low.

Here, in this thread, I have uploaded the service manual for the power supply. In this manual all the voltages are marked, so you can easy control them.

Best regards,


Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940086



Beiträge: 8792
Wohnort: Berlin-Spandau
Zur Homepage von Tom-Driver

Offtopic :
Sorry stego, it seems that you've forgotten to add the LINK to the thread with your PS manual ...

[x] <= Hier Nagel einschlagen für neuen Monitor!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: Tom-Driver am  4 Okt 2014 16:18 ]

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BID = 940118


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 13

OK covers are off and the tape runs smoothly. On "Pause" the picture quality remains the same, not good. I used Isoprop with a cotton bud to clean the capstan and heads.

I look forward to seeing a PSU diagram to check the voltages when you have the time Stego.

In the meantime I have played some of the tapes and have found video from the family from the 1980s in Germany and Portugal which is fantastic.

What sort of camera was used for the video recording? It must have been expensive then?

Thanks again for all the help.

Erklärung von Abkürzungen

BID = 940121



Beiträge: 7573
Wohnort: Wien

Regarding the voltages pop off the bottom cover and have a look at the PCB, IIRC the voltages are printed onto the board next to each pin of the PCB card connector!

For some voltages to be present the machine needs to be on or in certain modes (e.g. play or rec).

"Und dann kommen's zu ana Tür da steht oben "Eintritt verboten!" und da miaßn's eine!"

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