bosch Geschirrspüler Spülmaschine  DAY & NIGHT

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Elektronik- und Elektroforum Forum Index   >>   Geschirrspüler        Geschirrspüler : Tipps für Reparaturen an Geschirrspülern, Spülmaschinen, Spülautomaten

Geschirrspüler bosch DAY & NIGHT


BID = 481872


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Best, Nederland


Geräteart : Geschirrspüler
Hersteller : bosch
Gerätetyp : DAY & NIGHT
S - Nummer : S6M22B
Kenntnis : Artverwandter Beruf
Messgeräte : Multimeter

sorry at first: my german language is bad,
my english much better. But I can read german text.

I have a Bosch S6M22B dishwasher.
Quite old, but still working, until today.

Water is coming in, but it does not continue after that.
water stays cold.
I expect spooling at this point as well, but nothing happens.

When I turn the clock a little further by hand, it will
start spooling, but it stops again little later.

The spooling-only program shows the same behavior (I guess
this is a non-heating program, but I am not sure)

Pumping works well.

I checked the heating element, is not broken (low resistance)
I see a temperature switch (clixon-like) front right bottom, mounted to the heating element, no voltage across contacts.
So I conclude this does not prevent working.

I see 2 little elements, near this temp.switch, looks like temp.switch as well, mounted to the bottom on a copper rod.
Also no voltage across contacts.
Same conclusion

This machine has a start-timer, with some electronics, to delay
operation. Can this prevent proper working like described?

Any help would be welcome.


BID = 487342


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Best, Nederland



While no answer received, I did it the hard way: found out the schematic and clock program by myself (took a while :cry:).
It appeared that the levelswitch switched off the waterinlet correctly, but (the other side of the switch) failed to advance the clock, because of a weared-out contact.

Its wotking fine now.
For any other seeking for a solution, I leave my info here as well, as an excel sheet (not 100% complete, but should be sufficient to help solving most problems)


BID = 487343


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Best, Nederland

the file....

BID = 487353



Beiträge: 8934
Wohnort: Gifhorn und Wolfenbüttel
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this number is not correct - S6M22B
give the number to find open the door.
Lasered or adhesive label.
Yours truly

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