Hat noch Jemand diese Mail bekommen?

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Hat noch Jemand diese Mail bekommen?


BID = 654780



Beiträge: 13770
Wohnort: 37081 Göttingen


Diese Mail bekam ich heute:


I have received your mail, I am going to pay cash to you for your property, but here in Iraq we have no means of sending cash to Europe because as military men, we are not allowed to operate any bank account in Iraq.I will like to work with you on 100% trust so that i will send the cash to you through our only secured delivery means to Europe.

I am Lt. Col. M. Stuart, with the United States troop in Iraq, on war against terrorism. I have in my possession the sum of USD7.8million which was recovered from one of our raids on terrorists here in Iraq. Because they keep most of their money at home for evil activities which they normally get through illegal deals on crude oil.

Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. I deposited this box of money with RED CROSS here informing them that i am making contact for the real owner of the box. It is now under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. I wish to use this money to pay for your property and also for charity purposes in Turkey, where we have about 3 million Iraqi refugees and Sudan, where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war.

I am an American and an intelligence officer and I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done. I have put the logistics for the transfer in order so you have nothing to worry about. Please if you are interested in this transaction then I will give you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully as all you need is to follow my instructions and directives. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only be able reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with.

If you are interested, then let me know so we can proceed as time is very important to me. I am doing this on trust, you should understand that as a trained military expert I am a very careful person. This money is my life and I am willing to give you 30% of the total sum when the money arrives under your safe custody. I wait for your response so we can proceed immediately. In less than 7days the box of money should be in your safe custody, then i will come over to meet you when we are out of the military base.

Lt. Col. M. Stuart.

Hier könnte ich schnell reich werden Ha, ha!!!

BID = 654785



Beiträge: 6670
Wohnort: 26817 Rhauderfehn



Willkommen im Club!

Habe von 9 verschiedenen Anbietern den Luxus pur versprochen bekommen!

BID = 654799



Beiträge: 6670
Wohnort: 26817 Rhauderfehn

Hier die Mailadressen dazu:

    deskof.lscott äht yahoo.com.hk (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    (Omar Amireh)

    mr.leonardscott äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    Tel: +44 702 405 8508 (Westlin Reed)

    deskofsilva002 äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    Tel:+44 702 405 8502 (Pearce Jilian) 3x

    barr.leonardscott001 äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    Phone
: +44-704-570-1103 (Genaro R. Gojo-Cruz)

    barr.leonardscott09 äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    (SWISS LOTTO)

    barr.leonardscott01 äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    (Maria.Koinova@Darthmouth.edu)

    deskofleonard.scott216 äht hotmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    Tel: +31-684-246-075(Alexis.N.Zavras@Darthmouth.edu)

    barr.leonardscott01 äht gmail.com (automatisch editiert wegen spamgefahr)    Tel: +31684246075(Peter.T.Rodis@Darthmouth.edu)

BID = 654814



Beiträge: 5404
Wohnort: Weeze / Niederrhein
ICQ Status  

Ihr lest eucht den Quatsch wirklich durch? Bei mir wandert das unbeachtet in die Tonne, sofern es nicht schon automatisch passiert.

Reboot oder be root, das ist hier die Frage.

BID = 654822



Beiträge: 6670
Wohnort: 26817 Rhauderfehn

Durchlesen? Nein ganz bestimmt nicht! Nur überfliegen! Die Adressen habe ich mir nur mal notiert um festzustellen, daß sie fast alle aus einer Richtung stammen!

BID = 654989



Ja ich krieg so einen Mist fast jeden Tag .

猿も木から落ちる - Niemand ist perfekt

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