FAVAG Hauptuhr

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FAVAG Hauptuhr


BID = 417600


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Beiträge: 29
Wohnort: Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand

Hier sind einige Photo's von FAVAG Hauptuhr in meinen sammlung mit Hipp Toggle antrieb und 2/3 Sekunden Pendel.

Dieser Hauptuhr wahren gebaut werden in 1947 in der Schweiss.

Die direktantrieb sind sehr geräuschlos und machen keinen lärm wan Hipp Toggle aktiviert das Pendel.

[upload]Hochgeladenes Bild :

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: RODALCO am 27 Mär 2007 13:10 ]

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: RODALCO am 27 Mär 2007 13:14 ]

BID = 417632



Beiträge: 6450



Hallo Raymond,
here are two pictures of my FAVAG and a picture
of a FAVAG slave clock with a seconds pointer.
This clocks served from 1950 to around 1980
in the Basel station of Swiss Radio.
The seconds slave was positioned in the
room of the news speaker.
There are two "digital" slaves (Faltblattuhren)
on Your first picture. Are those made by Solari
Best Regasds Georg

BID = 417748


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Beiträge: 29
Wohnort: Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand

Thanks GeorgS for posting your photo's from your beautifull 1/1 FAVAG Masterclcok and 1 seconds slave.
You are lucky to get hold of one of those. Did you work for the radio station?
Your FAVAG has a marble back plate as well by the look of it, Excellent Swiss quality.

I wasn't sure if you were allowed to post in English because this is a German Forum, so other members can read our conversation too.

Those Flipclocks, Klappzahlenuhren are from Italy, made by Solari Udine, Type CIFRA 12.
I put blue LED backlights in the top one.
This one sometimes flips one hour to many at 09 and 19 hours, as you can see on the photo.
I need to adjust one of the pawls to get that corrected.



Some other photo's i took, from Bürk, Moser baer, und ECS were a little dark and i will post those later.

BID = 417775



Beiträge: 6450

Hello Raymond,
the only problem with English posting here might
be that fewer readers understand You, but ist si not
I would like to propose the following way:
You write in German, I do in English, so both of us will
have some training in laguage skills.
I did not work for Basel radio station, I bought this clock
from a former employe about 5 years ago.
FAVAG clocks are rather rare in Germany, we had mostly master clocks made by CTW (Wagner, especially railway),
Siemens or T&N (Telefonbau & Normalzeit), to name the most
I have such a flipclock from Solari in Udine, I dont know the
Model number, but it looks very similar to Yours.
That flipclock makes a lot of noise, when it flips
from 23:59 to 00:00!
Best Regards,

BID = 417996


Neu hier

Beiträge: 29
Wohnort: Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand

Hallo, Georg

Das sind ein sehr guten idée, so Ich schreiben nach Sie in Deutschen und Sie kannen das English probieren was Sie oberigens sehr gut tun.

FAVAG Hersteller sind original von Schweiz, Interessant das die FAVAG Hauptuhr zeldsahm sein in Deutschland, da der Schweiz nicht ver weg sind vor das transportieren ob Hauptuhr.

Das CIFRA 12 mach viel lärm zwischen 23.59 und 0.00 Stunden, da die Klappzählen schnell von 24 zu 29 und 0 überspringen.
Auch vor Stunden das lauteren Klick sind hörbar zum hause.

Die 12 sind de große in CM von das Nummer on Faltblatt.

Ich haben auch fünf alten CIFRA 5 ins Hause welchen 5 CM große Nummers haben.

Dan versteigerte ein alten DATOR 5 on Ebay welchen einen Jahrkalendar hatten, aber Ich reiningen das Mechanik am moment.


BID = 418114



Beiträge: 6450

Hello Raymond,
the fact, that FAVAG clocks are uncommon in Germany,
ist due to several historical facts:
- buyers/users were mostly state/community owned institutions like
railway, telephone, big offices, schools, hospitals etc.
Those had to buy national of course, and there were three
mayor and some more minor competitive companies in that
business in Germany.
- Such clock systems were technically related to internal telefone
systems, so very often a institution bought a clock system
from the same factory which made the telefon mains they operated.
FAVAG, I think did not have approval for German telefon systems,
whereas German companies did not have approval
for swiss telefon systems.
- Most times during the existence of mother clocks customs
were to be payed for imported things.
The only exeption is the "ATO" clock from France, Leon Hatot selled a
license to Haller & Benzing in the early 30ties.
This license was passed on to Junghans and ATO mothers
and slaves were rather popular with clockmakers stores.
Typically they had a mother in the sales room, a slave in
the repair shop an another slave with illuminated ad sign
outside on the street.

Best regards,

BID = 418154



Beiträge: 11110,1
Wohnort: Rheinbach

Concerning masterclocks, maybe I have another little piece of interest.

About 1960 Düsseldorf International Airport (EDDL) got a new Masterclock of which I will tell. Before that, they had one resembling your oldies to control the many slave clocks throughout the airport.

Maintenance of the clocks, (as well as maintenance of the automatic telephone exchange, the UPS, pneumatic post, ATC transmitters and receivers and all navigation systems, except radar) was part of the job my father did, who then was an employee of the federal airtraffic safety control.

Besides the control of the slave clocks there was a need for a precise time signal to record it on a reserved track on every of the multitrack taperecorders (made by Assmann - I dont know how to translate this) which monitored the ATC-frequencies.

Before the arrival of the new masterclock, this time signal (voice) came via a leased lined from the "Deutsche Bundespost". The saying was, that this leased line was too expensive and that this eventually caused the decision for the new masterclock.

This new masterclocks (in Reality, there were two equal devices, sitting side by side, each in its own cabinet) in their windowed 19" steel cabinets still were mechanical devices energized by, I guess, 10kg weights. Every now and then the weight was automatically raised by an electromagnet.
The 1 minute pulses of the two masterclocks were XORed by some relay logic, resulting in an alarm if they did not switch at the same time.

The pendulum had a weight of 25kg hanging on a round metal stick of maybe 20mm diameter.
The upper bearing of the pendulum was a pair of steel springs because springs dont have friction.
Near the middle of that stick there was a platform, maybe 50mm by 50mm, which manually could be slided up- or downward for coarse tuning.

Fine tuning was done by adding or removing little pieces of metal to that platform.
People expect the clock to slow down if a weight is added to that platform as the pendulum gets heavier. But in reality, the clock gets faster, because the center of gravity moves upwards, thus reducing the effective length of the pendulum.

Near the top of the pendulum there was magnetic bar which was swung through an induction coil. The small voltage induced in that coil was amplified with transistors, finally giving a 1 second pulse.
This 1 second pulse was essentially the base for the time signal wich was generated in another pair of 19" racks.
Dozends of relays formed the logic for controlling the playback of a number of endless loops of magnetic recordings:
Mainloop: "Beim nächsten Ton ist es"
Hours Loop "Sechzehn Uhr"
Minutes Loop "dreizehn Minuten"
10 Seconds Loop "und zwanzig Sekunden"

The generation of that "Beep" was another example of the art of engineering:
Together with the seconds loop, a motor-generator which made that tone, was started to allow its speed to stabilize. Then, at the correct moment, a relay connected the tone to the telephone line. After that the motor-generator was shut down again.
Remember, there were transistors in those days and quite a few of them operated in the amplifiers of that equipment. But obviously the developers didn't have a transitorized 800Hz oscillator.


Bei obigem Beitrag handelt es sich um meine private Meinung.

Rechtsansprüche dürfen aus deren Anwendung nicht abgeleitet werden.

Besonders VDE0100; VDE0550/0551; VDE0700; VDE0711; VDE0860 beachten !

BID = 418172



Beiträge: 6450

Hallo perl,
wonderful, those double-masters presumably synchronized
by som time signal are the highest art of "time production"
for collectors like me!
I have seen pictures from such a clock system which was
used to display the last minute before 20:00 Tagesschau
(news first programme TV)from the 50ties to the late 70ties (?)
That system was synchronized by a signal from Seesternwarte Hamburg.
I guess something similar was done at Düsseldorf Airport.
Do You remember the maker of that clock?
I wauld guess either Siemens or CTW (Carl Th. Wagner).
The core at the upper end of the pendulum which runs into a
coil reminds me of the CTW system which was in use at the Bundesbahn (Federal Rail).
The pendulum is likely one from Riefler, one could
buy Siemens and CTW clocks with Riefler pendulums.
Were there one or two weights in each clock?
A word about that strange generator for the "beep".
This and the "voice machine" I think are the same as used on telephone.
The "beep" generator is called a "Ruf und Signalmaschine",
absolutely standard in telephone equipment.
A synchronous motor drove several cams, producing the
about 20 Hz for ringing, and all the different beep frequencies for "free" "occupied" and so on.
That machines were reliable equipment, any transistor
oscillator at that time would have been something not proven.
Best Regards

BID = 418192



Beiträge: 11110,1
Wohnort: Rheinbach

>That system was synchronized by a signal from Seesternwarte Hamburg.

I think in the pre-DCF77 area this Institute in Hamburg was responsible for the dissemination of the official german time signal and that this was used by everyone except the Deutsche Bundesbahn (railroad) who had their own timesignal- and telephone-network.

From time to time the display was verified simply by calling the "Zeitansage" of the telephone company (Bundespost), but for more precise comparisons there was a shortwave receiver which was used to receive one of the WWV-standards. This receiver did not belong to the masterclock installation, but was part of the normal surveillance equipment.

>Do You remember the maker of that clock?
Sorry, no. Before you asked, I was thinking that it could have been from TN, but now I have the very strong feeling that it came from Siemens.

>Were there one or two weights in each clock?
I think there were two weights, but I'm not really sure.

Zitat :
The "beep" generator is called a "Ruf und Signalmaschine",
absolutely standard in telephone equipment.
A synchronous motor drove several cams, producing the
about 20 Hz for ringing, and all the different beep frequencies for "free" "occupied" and so on.
Yes, I know these generators and I had played around with one I had bought for the price of junk from the "Fernmeldezeugamt" of the Bundespost.
But the one which was built into that time machine was special in that way that it was halted and restarted every 10 seconds. Therefore the gear driving the cams would be useless and consequently, as far as I remember, it had none.

May be the mechanic was reliable but, is this also true for the relay which switched the motor on an off ?
It looks to me as if they had built a relay tester.


Bei obigem Beitrag handelt es sich um meine private Meinung.

Rechtsansprüche dürfen aus deren Anwendung nicht abgeleitet werden.

Besonders VDE0100; VDE0550/0551; VDE0700; VDE0711; VDE0860 beachten !

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: perl am 29 Mär 2007 20:20 ]

BID = 418203



Beiträge: 36130
Wohnort: Recklinghausen

It would've been easier and more reliable to let the signalmachine run continously and to switch only the generated tone.


Anfragen bitte ins Forum, nicht per PM, Mail ICQ o.ä. So haben alle was davon und alle können helfen. Entsprechende Anfragen werden ignoriert.
Für Schäden und Folgeschäden an Geräten und/oder Personen übernehme ich keine Haftung.
Die Sicherheits- sowie die VDE Vorschriften sind zu beachten, im Zweifelsfalle grundsätzlich einen Fachmann fragen bzw. die Arbeiten von einer Fachfirma ausführen lassen.

BID = 425449


Neu hier

Beiträge: 29
Wohnort: Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand


Hallo. Ich haben ein 24 Volts Sekunden FAVAG Nebenuhr versteigert von der Schweiz.

Es lauft mit ein Klappankermechaniek und Schleichenden Sekunden.

Ich haben es on Tacho system angeschlossen controliert mit mein Hauptuhr minuten impulse.

Interessant sind die verscillenden FAVAG logo mit open und geschlossen G Buchstaben.

Gruß, Raymond

[ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: RODALCO am 28 Apr 2007  9:47 ]

BID = 425506



Beiträge: 6450

Hello Raymond,
You bought a wonderfull clock.
The word "FAVAG" is different on Yours (compared
to mine) indeed!
My secondary is from 1951, by the way.
Something is similar: the non-gloss nickel-coated
Because this is found on more parts of my Favag 1/1,
I guess it was some "style" specific for Favag.
What about the fixture to the wall?
My Favag slaves all have a pair of "plugs"
(similar to the oldfashioned Banana plug, but coarser)
Would You mind naming the price You payed for
that clock?
Best Regards,

BID = 426236


Neu hier

Beiträge: 29
Wohnort: Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand


Hallo, Ich haben 100 Euros' bezahlt vor das Favag Sekunden Uhr.

Das Ankerantrieb sind mit das Hipp System ausgebaut.

Favag hatten verscheidene Buchstaben stylen gebraucht über die Jahren.

Zwei mehrere Photo's sind geattached.



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