Erfinder des NE555 gestorben Im Unterforum Neu - Neues aus der Elektro- und Elektronik-Branche - Beschreibung: Nachrichten für Elektro und Elektronik -- read only
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Erfinder des NE555 gestorben |
BID = 843575
Nukeman Schriftsteller
Beiträge: 754 Wohnort: bei Kleve
Am 8. August ist der Erfinder des NE555, Hans Camenzind,
Nachricht auf
Seine Erfindung wird wohl auch noch in weiteren 40 Jahren benutzt
Witziges Zitat der Firma Signetics für die er den Chip
seinerzeit entwickelt hatte bezgl. Patente:
Zitat :
What patents are related to the 555?
There are no patents on the 555. Signetics did not want to apply for
a patent. You see, the situation with patents in Silicon Valley in
1970 was entirely different than it is now. Everybody was stealing
from everybody else. I designed the 555 Signetics produced it, and
six months, or before a year later, National had it, Fairchild had
it, and nobody paid any attention to patents. The people at
Signetics told me they didn’t want to apply for a patent, because
what would happen if they tried to enforce that patent, is the people
from Fairchild would come back with a Manhattan-sized telephone book
and say “These are our patents, now let’s see what you’re violating”.
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