MIELE Waschmaschine  Premier NOVO

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Waschmaschine MIELE Premier NOVO


BID = 532422


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Rohrdorf


Geräteart : Waschmaschine
Hersteller : MIELE
Gerätetyp : Premier NOVO
Typenschild Zeile 1 : W842
Kenntnis : Minimale Kentnisse (Ohmsches Gesetz)
Messgeräte : Multimeter

Ich besitze einen MIELE Premier NOVO watercontrol system waschmachine u. bekommen die folgende fehlermeldung.

LED Lampe (bei Abspuhl der LED leuchtet) (Englische Bezeichnung > "Check Inlet") u. der maschine stoppt bzw. fuhrt keine weiter Programme aus.

I opened the top of the machine thinking that one of the water regulator swtiches might be performing correctly.

What could the problem be?
The machine was bought in GB.
Is it possible to get it serviced in Southern Germany?

many thanks,


BID = 532429


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Rohrdorf



I just phoned with Miele and was really shocked with the service they offered me. They were extremely helpful!!!

The mentioned the possiblity of having a kinked water hose and went on to tell me about water pressure where as about 2 weeks ago due to some construction going on accross the street the water was turned off for a few hours. Miele then told me that I ought to check and see how much water pressure was coming into the house. Ergebnis: 1 bar
I cleaned out the main water filter and was able to increase the water pressure just over 2 bar and seemed to have fixed the problem with the washer machine...

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