MDS-JE500 Sony

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Sony MDS-JE500


BID = 1241


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MD-Player nimmt auf aber keine Wiedergabe.
Bei EJECT schreibt TOC und anschließend
löscht alles!!!


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BID = 1484


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Hierbei handelt es sich um ein altes Problem bei den ersten md-recorder. Bei meinem war es das gleiche Problem. Aufnahmekopf vom MD ist abgebrochen, denn Mini-Disk hat einen magnetischen Aufnahmekopf (wie bei einer Festplatte). Abgespielt wird die Musik jedoch über Laser. Ich nehme an, dass eine bespielte MD sich noch bei Dir abspielen lässt. Repeartur lohnt sich dann nicht mehr.

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BID = 1505


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May I put Remarks By Scott Gibson 14.09.00 from
It works! But take care!!!: Pretty common problem in all of the JE5xx series MD's. I've had three 510's and a 520 and have had this problem with one or two when I received them to repair. In my opinion after an amount of time, (maybe due to heat, I dunno) the very flexible and fragile arm that holds the overwrite head in place lifts up slightly. Only a fraction or so that when the unit goes into recording mode, the head isn't quite far enough down over the disc. This head must be directly on top, and almost touching the minidisc. The result: poor recording or none at all. The machine may even show you that it is recording, convincing you that everything is as it hould be but when you play back, nothing happens. This is also true if you finish recording and then try to eject the disc to write the TOC. It looks like the TOC is updating fine but
put the disc back in again and play? Nothing happens. Ok. What I've done which probably makes a licensed technician cringe is to take a junky disc, one you don't care much about, and start manually adjusting. Be very careful because the overwrite head assembly is extremely fragile. See how far down the head is reaching when you put the machine into record mode. Make sure that the overwrite head is stuck straight out when the arm is down. You will be able to easily tell because it should be parallel with the disc surface. If not, adust slightly so that it is. Also, you can flex the arm down slightly if there is too much clearance between the head and disc surface. This has worked for me every time but is not a guarantee. You could
have problems with the electronic workings of the overwrite head system as well but you might as well give my idea a go anyway. Good luck!

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