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Serverzeit: 06 6 2024  19:57:26      TV   VCR Aufnahme   TFT   CRT-Monitor   Netzteile   LED-FAQ   Osziloskop-Schirmbilder            

Elektronik- und Elektroforum Forum Index   >>   Reparatur - Fernsehgeräte        Reparatur - Fernsehgeräte : Reparaturprobleme mit Fernseher, TV, Farbfernseher



BID = 64023


Gerade angekommen

Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: UK


Geräteart : Fernsehgerät
Hersteller : NOKIA
Gerätetyp : MP51A2
Chassis : MONOPLUS

Sorry about the English, I could not find any other site, which may be able to help me

I have a NOK1A MP51A2 TV that has a intermittent fault. You can use the switch on the front of the TV to turn the power on and the red light on the front comes on, then when you use the remote to turn the TV on, the red light goes out and the TV doesn’t start up. The red light then stays out even if you use the front switch to turn the TV back off and on. The only way to reset the TV is to depress the front button quickly for a few minutes. The TV will the work for a while. However the next time you try to turn the tv on from standby mode, it will do the same as before and not work

Any ideas what the problem is, is it a certain component on the electronic board. Is it a common problem, if so how do I fix it.

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